Sunday, April 26, 2009

Choices, not Accidents!

Today I was listening to one of a celebrity interview, and the celebrity claimed that he did not expect to be in the profession that he was. 'It was an Accident'.

I am pondering over the statement; 'It was an Accident'. Well I strongly think; there are no accidents but only choices. Looking back at my own career spread over fmcg, real estate and retailing in short span of 5 years, I feel, that my career moves were pure choices. They were at times well thought or at times by the gut. But they were part of the bigger picture that I want to paint for my future.At times I think, they were part of a sub conscious conspiracy to be where I have proclaimed my future to lead me.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Burried Egos

Those Fire balls around,
Make me deaf, with those big sounds.

Everything is down in ruins.
Except the smoky clouds in the sky, in fumes.

Limbs lie in the graves,
While those not, with hungry stomachs do crave.

Cries all around bleeds the souls,
Tears from the eyes flood and add to the foul.

Dream turn into nightmares.
And brave hearts go out to fight with a dare.

Crying mothers go insane,
And search for lost babies in every lane.

Soldiers with lost limbs and bloodys wounds,
Lie helpless with no aids on the grounds.

To add to the war, the nature takes its own revenge,
And it rains with floods to crowd the graves.

Enemies come together to give a fight,
Seeing the consequences of their worthless egoistic fights.

But it gets too late to make up for any loses around,
Since the world is deep asleep, in the graves, never to be awaken by the slightest sound.

I had written this poem during the Kargil war.

The terror attacks that struck Mumbai have left a deep scar on our hearts. Its nightmare we will never forget. For that matter never want to forget. And all of us want action Now. For past few days media has been beaming messages calling out for a war on terror. I have come across loads of SMS’s and mail asking fellow citizens to take pledges and mobilizing opinions to declare war on terror.

WAR !! I wonder how many of the proponents of waging a War have ever consequences of War. It’s definitely not the kind of ones which you saw in Mahabharatha where two armies fight on a no mans land. Moderns wars unfortunately are fought right in the hearts of civilization. Where innocent lives are lost.


Uncertain times call for certain actions. Actions that shall prepare you to handle any adversity come what may. Most of us are busy with our daily lives; ensuring the present and future well being of our families.

We all are consciously or unconsciously; investing or saving our hard earned money. It could be a bank fixed deposit, NSC, PPF or Mutual Funds, shares or even insurance policies. But what happens if you were to live no more or even face some permanent disability or worse still there is war or a natural calamity. Does your spouse, or nominees even know about your life insurance policy details or a medical policy, WILL and the location of the same; whether home locker, bank or worse still mortgaged.

How will you or your immediate family ever know about the basis details like PAN no, Bank account details, Passport etc, just in case it is misplaced.

I have made a brief summary sheet with updated records, it helps

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Blogger is born !

Well it's no different than trying to write my first poem back in school. I was scribbling with my pen and I just had no words to pen.

However, creating and writing my first blog seems more of a science. So to say I am a test tube baby. Everything is so neatly crafted...Tailor made out of a lab. Easy templates to choose, feels as if I can choose my body.